आईआईटी (बीएचयू) के शोधकर्ताओं ने घावों को भरने में किया नया शोध
भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान (बीएचयू) द्वारा ’पंचवल्कल’ आधारित स्थिर ’सॉल्यूशन’ और बॉयोडिग्रेडेबल ’पैच’ विकसित किया गया है, जो मधुमेह रोगियों के घाव भरने में सहायक है। इस तकनीक को हरिद्वार की आयुर्वेद कंपनी एम/एस मेरियन हेल्थ साइंस को हंस्तांतरित किया गया है और इसे स्प्रे, पैच और जेल फार्म में बाज़ार में उतारा गया है।
जेएसएस पब्लिक स्कूल गरथमाइने मनाया क्रिसमस
The Christmas program at the JSS Public School in Mahagav was celebrated with great enthusiasm. Students from nursery to class 8 participated in drawing, fashion, group discussions, general knowledge, various sports, and dance programs. The event was presided over by the school’s principal, Dheeraj Singh, and concluded by the institution’s director and headmaster, Gautam Singh.
नदेसर स्थित कैथोलिक गिरजाघर द्वारा 25, 26, 27 को मनाया जाएगा क्रिसमस
On the occasion of Christmas, the Catholic community in Varanasi extends blessings and good wishes, emphasizing Jesus Christ’s birth as a message of joy, peace, and unity. They urge for spreading love and harmony, calling for compassion towards the needy and promoting societal well-being. Various events and prayers are scheduled to celebrate this occasion.
राम मंदिर निर्माण
The Ram Mandir Trust in India has invited the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh to consecrate the newly constructed Ram Mandir on January 22. The temple was built after a prolonged dispute over the birthplace of Hindu deity, Ram. The Supreme Court’s verdict in favor of the temple culminated efforts spanning 492 years to establish a grand temple in Ayodhya.